Fertilizers Transport Railway Carriage in Dusty and Rusty ( Wheathering Affect Trial )
The reality or fenomenic of Weathering is a process of
breaking up rock materials under the influence of air and water. It designs the
Earth's surface by
shaping it through different physical and chemical
processes. Each of these processes has a different effect on rocks and their
minerals, and different rocks react differently to weathering, depending on their
structure. The three types of weathering processes are mechanical (or
physical), chemical and biological weathering.-
Weathering is a process of breaking up rock materials under the influence of air and water |
Effects of Chemical Weathering
This type of weathering changes the mineral composition of rocks by chemical
processes and it can sometimes lead to dangerous conditions. Water is the basic
agent in chemical weathering because it initiates the whole process. Some of
its effects are oxidation (rusting), hydration and carbonization. Chemical
weathering also causes loss of chemical elements by solution in water. Caves,
stalactites and stalagmites are created by different chemical processes of
Some of its effects are oxidation (rusting) |
sometimes lead to dangerous conditions |
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